I had to spend an hour in Descartes the other day, while I waited for new front tyres to be fitted to our less glamorous car. I walked into the centre of town from the garage and on my way spotted a bank that had been strimmed back to the dirt in a frenzy of spring gardening neatness. All except a flourishing Lizard Orchid leaf rosette, which had clearly been carefully strimmed around.

All this made me think I'd better go and check on the state of the orchid patch by the mediatheque in Preuilly. So far, so good. The commune hasn't mowed, and there are about 50 orchid leaf rosettes in amongst the wild thyme. But what really surprised me was that one of the Spider Orchids was actually flowering. None of the Early Spider Orchids in our orchard is closer than 10 days or a fortnight away from flowering I reckon.
One little Spider Orchid, gamely flowering on the
mediatheque naturestrip.
mediatheque naturestrip.

1 comment:
Susan, I just came back from a walk in the vineyard, and I saw many orchids on the two damp plots of ground we looked at together a few weeks ago. Sorry I didn't take my camera out with me. All the vegetation seems to be far in advance for the season this spring.
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