This means I couldn't do any painting yesterday (hardware shops don't open on a Sunday) and as this blog entry posts I am on my way to Bricodepot so that work can continue. I only need about 30 litres of undercoat and 20 sheets of 300grit sandpaper and I can move on to the next stage.
At the moment I am working on two rooms: the attic bathroom and the office. I had some trouble with the attic bathroom ceiling: I was using a bathroom ceiling satin paint and any imperfections show really clearly: when youre working two metres above your head roller control isn't all it could be so there were plenty of imperfections to be seen. This meant that after using all the ceiling paint (claimed to be "one coat") I had to do a second coat, and for this I used the equivalent paint but for walls rather than ceiling. I assume it is the same things juts not as gloopy. It went on OK, and looks pretty good, so that's that!
All gawn....

There is one little job I could have finished - the office window. Unfortunately the weather yesterday conspired against leaving a window open for 8 hours while paint dried: whereas on Saturday we had June weather with 28°C and clear sunny skies, yesterday we had March weather, all overcast and cool. It's too early today to say what the weather will be like, but it's not as completely overcast as yesterday was.
Painting is very much like knitting - the last thing you want is to run out of wool when the jumper is nearly finished !!
(The major difference is that you can knit in all weathers !!)
I've noticed that paint seems expensive in France compared with the UK.
This might well be a function of the poor exchange rate - down again!
Bon courage.....
Jean - I didn't trot out the plumbing language though. After one word (ok - two) I was stoic.
Gaynor - it sounds like you have yet have to discover BricoDepot's 10 lites of placo undercoat for €6.50
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