Every year at about this time the Maire has an official function at the
salle des fêtes, where he announces the council's plans for this year and recaps last year, thanks everyone for being good citizens, and offers a glass or two of champagne and a piece of
Broyé du Poitou.
The townsfolk, gathered for drinkies.

We went last year, and although we didn't totally understand what was being said, decided it was important for us to attend this year. Plus, Gérard Thoreau had called in earlier in the day to check the spelling and / or pronunciation of our names, so we figured something was up. We assumed we would get called up amongst those who started new businesses in town last year.
Imagine, then, our delight and surprise to hear our names in the Maire's speech along with mention of this blog and how it promotes Preuilly sur Claise and presents such a positive view of the life of its citizens, and to be called forward to receive a medal.
Gilles Bertucelli (the Maire), Simon, Gérard Thoreau (Deputy Mayor),
Susan and Jean-Paul Charrier (Councillor)

Our Medals

Susan's medal shows a medieval carving from the now destroyed church dedicated to Saint Nicolas. Gérard said that he can remember the carving in situ on the exterior of the church, but now it is in the museum. Simon's medal depicts the Poterne, the medieval post gate to the château, which is now the museum.
To say we are proud and well chuffed is an understatement.
p.s. Mention must also go to Madame Elton-Wall, who received an honourable mention in the beautiful front gardens competition.
Congratulations, this is indeed a well deserved honour for you both, and excellent that your endeavours to promote the town have been recognised by the local community.
Keep up the good work!
Fantastic Felicitations! You certainly have put Preuilly sur Claise on the map! You have every right to feel proud. Your interests in history, flora, fauna and people, places and the culture of France have brought you success and I am sure Celestine will carry you forward. Excellent news.
Congratulations! You run a great blog and deserve the recognition. Lovely medals!
So pleased for you - more importantly it means acceptance by your adopted home.
Congrats from us.
Well done and much deserved. Perhaps, after this recognition that you are Preuilly's principal window on the world, someone will get around to thinking that they should involve you in the town website.
I am not sure if you would welcome this, perhaps especially from the work point of view? Am not expecting a response!
Continued best wishes for 2011.
Well done to you both rewards for your hard work and dedication to your cause. I'd have loved to have been there. Did you have time to practise your speech in response?
I'd say you have been officially adopted into your new community. A very good move!!!
congrats on medals....they r lovely....it's great to be so well-received by your neighbors
How nice! I have learnt so much from reading blogs. You deserve that recognition from Preuilly.
Well done and well deserved. Maintaining blog posts on a daiy basis is time-consuming and can be hard work.
We were unable to attend the similar event in LGP which is a shame. But we also got an award for our little effort at keeping our front patch and windowsills bright and tidy. We too were dead chuffed.
Congratulations, that is quite an achievement. Diane
WOW! Congratulations, Simon and Susan.
Medals well deserved! Keep up tghe good work.
How great is that! Congratulations, it's well deserved. I've learned a lot about the area from your blog.
What an honor, and well deserved.
Congratulations! What a wonderful achievement in such a short time! Your efforts to fit in have really payed off! Well done. Martine
Very well done! You definitely deserve some recognition for raising the profile of Preuilly sur Claise, and you have followers in at least three continents!
And I add my congrats to Pauline's... well done you two!
Word Verification is "Mingsta" or should that be Ming Star!!
The look of surprised joy on Simon's face is a joy to behold... great start to the New Year guys!!
Hunter Valley sends well deserved congratulations to you both.
Eh bien felicitations :-)
The recognition is well deserved. Both of you have done a fantastic work in promoting your PSC.
Did you drive there in Célestine?
I add my congratulations! So cool, and well deserved!
Congratulations indeed! What a nice acknowledgement of your presence and your contribution.
Felicitations, very well done, your blog is so interesting. Please keep it up - and what lovely medals wear them with pride.
So nice that you got the recognition! Keep up the good work.
Congratulations, & Happy New Year. How wonderful to be recognised but they are right you know.., I wouldn't have known many of the interesting things that happened in your neck of the woods had it not been for your blog..., it does promote the area, I find it all so fascinating :)
well done :)
Congrats and well done, you certainly have raised their profile dramatically. I am given to understand that all the tall Frenchmen died during Napoleon's wars...?
Oooh we are a bit delayed in keeping up with the blog but CONGRATULATIONS on your awards Well done! ANia
Congratulations... as a Prullacien living in Paris, I am very appreciative of your blog which has become an essential source of information for me... and thank you!
Thanks to all - we are really proud of our medailles de Preuilly.
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