A trompes de chasse (French hunting horn) maker's stall.

The 'National Union for the Use of Red Dogs' stand. This organisation trains small hunting dog breeds such as the chien de rouge and dachshunds (teckels) to track wounded animals for recovery or humane dispatch.

A Scarce Swallowtail Iphiclides podalirius (Flambé)
on buddleia near the Plan d'Eau
on buddleia near the Plan d'Eau

A new path being built from the Plan d'eau to the steps
from the remains of the church in rue Faubourg St Nicolas
from the remains of the church in rue Faubourg St Nicolas

Anglo-French hounds from the B... l'Abbaye* hunt, with
clipped BL' on their flanks to identify them in the field.
clipped BL' on their flanks to identify them in the field.

*We didn't write it down and can't remember
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