Tuesday 9 August 2016

Roe Buck

When my sister was here in June she made the effort to get up early and go to the Forest of Preuilly. Birdwatchers do that sort of thing. I don't know that she saw all that many birds, but she captured these nice views of a Roe Buck Capreolus capreolus (Fr. brocard).


chm said...

This Roe Buck seems pretty tame. Too bad he lost a leg in the second photo!

Le Pré de la Forge said...

He's called Skippy... or Hoppit....

Le Pré de la Forge said...

Nice little fellow... as CHM says, seems pretty tame...or long lens?
Saw a doe and fawn at the top of the field opposite last week...
too far for a decent photo, but a lovely sight!!
Got enough of a pic for Faune Touraine tho'.....

Ken Broadhurst said...

I've been seeing a lot of chevreuils on my walks with Callie over the past few weeks. Sometimes I get really close to them. I think there are a lot of young ones out in the vineyard who are inexperienced at dealing with humans and dogs. Callie does her best to chase them away but she hasn't yet caught one. Nice photos your sister took.

melinda said...

do yall have problems with deer eating things in the garden??

Susan said...

Not as close as the photo makes it look, and there is no hunting where he lives.

Susan said...

No. I rarely hear of people having problems in gardens. Wild boar are more of an issue. Deer are a problem in some vineyards, but by no means the majority. They and the boar are a bit prone to trampling cereal crops too.

Ken Broadhurst said...

When we first arrived here in 2003, we saw deer grazing in our back yard and probably eating fallen apples. But once we moved in and maybe because we had a dog, they went away. We've seen them grazing in our neighbors yard from time to time over the years. People fence in their vegetable gardens, and we had our whole yard fenced in to try to keep the deer and rabbits/hares out and to keep the dog in.

Susan said...

It's not like the stories I hear from some of our North American clients, where they go around the gardens here with a constant regretful commentary of 'oh no, we couldn't grow that, the deer would eat it...' Fences don't stop deer usually. My veggie garden is fenced against rabbits. I hear lots of stories of wild boar getting into gardens (a friend of ours gave us wild boar terrine once, commenting that he was determined to eat his vegetables one way or another...), but hardly any of deer doing damage (although they often pass through). It's probably yet another example of how different Saint Aignan is from Preuilly despite how close they are.

melinda said...

in Richmond we quickly found out what the deer liked to eat (almost everything including tender leaves on rose bushes) so our choices of things to plant were limited...so far in our location in NC we havent had that problem

Susan said...

Yes they seem to be rather fond of rosebuds and new rose shoots. Even here I have heard people complain occasionally that the deer have denuded their rose bushes of buds. They are browsers, so like goats, they do eat almost everything if it is young and tender.

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