Wednesday 8 January 2014

The Bridge at Chaumussay

Three views of the bridge over the Claise at Chaumussay, all taken on the same day in mid-December last year. Chaumussay is the next village downstream from us.

This is one of our favourite spots in the area, and we have posted pictures of the bridge before, here and here.
Bat Count: La Ligue de la Protection des Oiseaux (LPO, the League for the Protection of Birds) and le Groupe Chiroptères d'Indre et Loire (the Indre et Loire Bat Group) are doing an inventory of bat hibernation and breeding sites in the south Touraine. Anyone who knows of sites which could be visited by some specialists are asked to contact Jean Claude Jacques. (Contact me by email through my profile link on the right side bar and I will give you Jean Claude's details.)
Local News: The controversial comedian Dieudonné has been told he is not allowed to perform in Tours on 10 January. Good. Apparently tickets are just about sold out. Not good. To read more about Dieudonné and how the authorities are trying to deal with his unwelcome contributions to racial tensions in France go to French News Online.


Helen Devries said...

They'd do better to do an Al Capone on Dieudonne...doesn't pay his taxes while sending his money to Camaroon.

Susan said...

HD: Good thought!

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