Thursday 29 December 2016

Steps for the Stream

The Aged One was very pleased to tell me when I saw him at the market that he had repaired the steps that provide access into the small stream in front of our orchard. He's 'repaired' them before but not really made access any easier, so I thanked him but didn't really pay much attention because I wasn't expecting much. However, when I went down there I discovered that he has completely rebuilt the steps, plus made a place to stand in the stream. This means I will be able to use the water much more easily. I may have to bake him a cake.

Technically this is probably illegal, but the stream still flows through (until someone upstream pumps more than their share off to water their vegetables in the summer). 


Aussie in France said...

He's done a good job. You'll definitely have to bake him a cake.

Susan said...

I know he likes cake as he quite often turns up with a quatre quart and some cider for afternoon tea when I am working in the orchard. Personally I think quatre quart is fairly dull as cakes go, but French people love it :-) I can't decide if that's what I should make, or try him on something different. Probably a plain homemade cake such as the quatre quart is the go.

Susan said...

I've just looked for recipes and I see that in English quatre quart is known as pound cake.

Le Pré de la Forge said...

A pond cake contains fruit... all the four-quarters I've ever had are just like a madiera! OR HAVE CHOCOLATE IN THEM...yuck!

Le Pré de la Forge said...

I didn't get to the blog posts yesterday... probably a good job as I have just read on an allotment Mushlivre page about someone who has the same water problem as you...
They are using a solar pond pump to fill their watering cans...
they stand it on a stone in the stream with the watering can beside... sucky end goes in stream, fountain end is connected to hosepipe that goes in can... one can fills while other is being used... overflow from spout goes back into stream. Sounded to me an ideal solution...

Le Pré de la Forge said...

For "pond cake"... please read "pound cake"... I've obviously got water on the brain!

Susan said...

His never have chocolate. I must admit I was wondering what the fourth quarter was after reading the French recipes. I came to the conclusion it must be the eggs.

Susan said...

That does sound like a nifty solution. We have a little pump that runs off a battery powered drill, which isn't overly successful.

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