Wednesday 28 March 2012

They Call Me the Hunter

Even those with only a passing interest in what's going on above their heads will recognise Orion's belt: the three stars almost in a line that seem to jump out of the night sky at you.

When I was taking photos of Venus and Jupiter I also aimed my camera at other parts of the sky. Most of the photos weren't what you would call obvious, but this was:

Playing around in Photoshop (in this case that means upping the contrast) you get all sorts of photo noise, but you also get a lot more stars. You can also see the track of an aircraft as it flies over.

I have drawn in the lines that makes this a hunter. All I can think is that 5,000 years ago it was all more obvious.

And as we're talking about The Hunter you can have this, free.



Tim said...

The belt is obvious isn't it! And with this weather, the night sky is "wonderous to behold".
Isn't Onion's Belt meant to point at summat? 'Tis a long time since I did any serious Astrologmony... my main source is the Observer's Book... that'll tell you how long ago!!
Did manage to see three of Jupe's moons the other night using the big scope tho'... that was nice... only ever seen them in pix before.
And still haven't downloaded the prog you blogged about t'other day [but cleared space on this old lapcrusher in readiness].
And we've a curtain rail to put up in our bedroom... it hasn't gone up yet because there is something wonderful about lying in bed looking at all the stars!

Lady Justine said...

Lovely photograph! It's only a recent find for me - we had so much light pollution where I lived last that I'd not ever seen it!

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