For the fifth year running, our "first coucou of spring" photo. This was taken yesterday, and although the flower hasn't fully emerged, it IS a cowslip, and it IS out!
Local wisdom has it that we should hear the first coucou (bird) at the same time. So far we haven't, but there have been reports.
I haven't noticed any cowslips flower stalks in the vineyard yet. I'll take a closer look on my next walk. And it's funny, I was just thinking this morning that we could hear the first coucou any time now. I still haven't, but I'm listening!
Hi Nadège, Did you know the Roadrunners belong to the Coucou family? Unlike their European cousins they lay their eggs in their own nest. Actually, I have a pair feeding their little ones right now in one of my palm trees.
I haven't noticed any cowslips flower stalks in the vineyard yet. I'll take a closer look on my next walk. And it's funny, I was just thinking this morning that we could hear the first coucou any time now. I still haven't, but I'm listening!
I love coucous (bird and flowers)!
Hi Nadège,
Did you know the Roadrunners belong to the Coucou family? Unlike their European cousins they lay their eggs in their own nest. Actually, I have a pair feeding their little ones right now in one of my palm trees.
Unfortunately, no Cowslip here in the desert!
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