Celestine drinking some clean 80w oil

This last week we have been backfiring most inelegantly as we ease off the accelerator. This is usually due to valves not opening or closing correctly, so we started by removing the rocker cover and checking the valve gaps. Sure enough, one exhaust valve wasn't closing properly, which allows fuel into the exhaust pipe and causes explosions. This was easily adjusted, and once the cover was back on we checked the engine compression, the result being most acceptable.
While the feeler gauge was out we also checked the spark plug gaps. Even though we have travelled over 12,000km in Celestine the plugs looked like new (which was good) but the gaps were out - and in one case enormous (which explains why occasionally we were getting spark between the spark plug lead and the engine block on that cylinder). Once that was fixed we started on the next task.
For the past little while the car has been very jerky, an indication that the spark plugs were firing at the wrong time* or not at all. We began by starting the car then removing the spark plug leads one at a time to see if she was running on 4 cylinders. Oddly enough, no matter which spark plug lead we removed the way the engine sounded didn't change. This was officially "a bit weird" and warranted further exploration.
Tappets and valves

The result of all this is that she is running so smoothly. We have real class again.
*Spark plugs should spark just before the piston reaches the top of its stroke: this allows the resulting explosion to force the piston down again.
You and J-L were probably enjoying yourselves... but poor Susan looks cold and judging by that yawn.... bored stiff!
Judging by what you've just found and corrected, Célestine must be running like a dream!! And of course, more economically...
Can't do this with today's cars - no fun.
Tim: you haven't seen me recently have you? That photo will be of me coughing, unfortunately...
Poor you.... hayfever or fever?
GWS... that's an order!
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