The big blues Maculinea spp have a very particular lifecycle and ecology. Females lay eggs on the flower buds of the caterpillar host plant. Once hatched the caterpillar consumes the buds, hidden amongst the flowers for 3 or 4 weeks. Then, while still very small, it descends to the ground and waits to be adopted by an ant Myrmica spp. Once a suitable 'nanny' arrives the ant and caterpillar engage in a ritual which establishes their bond and the ant carries the little caterpillar off to its nest. The young caterpillar completely transforms the operation of the ant nest. Some Maculinea, the Large Blue included, devour the surrounding ant larvae, others just feed on the liquid the ant workers produce for their own larvae.
Large Blue female.

This extraordinary lifecycle explains the extreme vulnerability of Maculinea populations. Their existance depends on a single plant within an area (very rarely will there be two host species on a single site) and a single species of ant which is essential for the growth of the caterpillars. The host plant must be at the beginning of its flowering season and not grazed or mowed during the egglaying period and the density of the ant nests must be such that the ants and the caterpillars have a good chance of meeting. And these plants and ants have their own ecological requirements.
Large Blue ovipositing on Wild Oregano Origanum vulgare.

Here in the Touraine we are very lucky to have 3 species of Maculinea present - Alcon Blue M. alcon (l'Azuré des mouillères); Large Blue M. arion (l'Azuré du serpolet); Scarce Large Blue M. telejus (l'Azuré de la sanguisorbe). The Large Blue in the photographs was photographed this August in the field opposite our orchard.
*Syn. Phengaris arion, Glaucopsyche arion.
Hi Susan,
Do all these beautiful creatures know you're a taxonomist and come to Sud Touraine for you to photograph them and tell their names and traits of their intimate life to the whole world?
WV is brant. I didn't make that up!
CHM: It's more the other way around - I came here because of them :-) The high biodiversity of this area is one of its best kept secrets.
How utterly fascinating. I am
trying to picture a mature
butterfly emerging from an
ant hill. That would be some
Sheila: I've seen video footage, but can't find it online. They have to be quick because once hatched they no longer emit the pheromones that fool the ant into thinking it is one of them. They crawl out without pumping fluid into their wing veins, so they stay rolled up until they are out in broad daylight.
I saw a report a couple of days ago which said Texas and Ohio have now 'enjoyed' 47 consecutive days of over 100ºF, trouncing the previous record of 27 days. And we were worried about a canicule here!
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