Friday 7 September 2012

New Season's Apples are In

Apple jelly production has commenced, with a batch from our Melrose apple and using my snazzy new jelly strainer from Lakeland for the first time. The one I borrowed last year from Tim and Pauline for making quince jelly had a wire frame and was a bit fiddly to erect. This new model is plastic and clips quite neatly together.

For instructions on how to make apple jelly see my post from last year, which includes instructions on how to cope if you don't have a Lakeland jelly strainer.



Tim said...

A sensible change in design there from Lakeland PLASTICS... also you won't have to re-paint the upper ring of their new design as the enamel chips off.
It also looks very 'sporty'!

Tim said...

I also like the bag hooks at the top... I'll have to think about that for ours.

Diane said...

Our apples are very few this year, think I can count them on two hands from 3 trees!!!. Maybe next year I can try apple jelly it sounds delicious. Have a good day Diane

Liselle said...

Serious product placement there Susan :-) The jelly must be lovely. I can almost smell it from here.

Ken Broadhurst said...

Nobody around Saint-Aignan has many apples this year. We have a few on one little tree, and practically none on three other, bigger trees. We have pears, though.

Tim said...

We have no apples at all this year, and the arboriculturalists are complaining about poor harvests too. Look out for price increases in the markets! Pauline (as Tim)

chm said...

In the old days, we used a kitchen towel to make apple or other jellies. It seemed to work fine and the beauty of it, it folded very nicely when not in use! LOL

Jean said...

There were apples and pears aplenty on the trees in the car park behind the château in Le Grand-Pressigny last week. According to Mme. André it is "interdit" to pick them from the trees but ok to pick them up from the ground. Most of those were not in good condition so I didn't.

I usually get tons of windfall apples from the farm near home. The lady of the house puts bagfuls in a wheelbarrow for anyone to help themselves. Curiously, although scores of people walk the lane with their dogs daily, I seem to be the only one taking the apples. Now I feel a trip to Lakeland coming on - your jelly strainer looks superb. The question is, which branch, Nottingham or Meadowhall - each have their own temptions in terms of other shops (much more wicked than ordering from the internet) and there is also the risk of lunch at the Loch Fyne restaurant... and as Nick is currently abroad........!!

Susan said...

Tim: I am very happy with it so far. Apples have indeed gone up at the market, from €1/kg to €1.20/kg.

Diane: apples are the one thing I do have.

Liselle: not having lived in the UK you won't understand about Lakeland :-)

Ken: I've had a few pears, already picked and eaten. They never got to be very big - no rain to swell them.

chm: I've used a piece of muslin in the past. It's fine, but suspending it is the problem. That's why the jelly stand is so practical.

Jean: go for it - windfalls are ideal for jelly.

Niall & Antoinette said...

If we had any quinces this year I'd ask to borrow it..but we don't. Only fruit we have are peches des vignes [far fewer than last year] and they aren't ripe yet.

I've used colander lined with a piece of thin cloth over a mussel pan [nice an deep] but that's not as snazzy as your contraption.

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