Tuesday 4 September 2012

Less Chat, More Swimming, svp!

Laurent and Tristan, with Simon in the background.
Yesterday was the last open day for the year at Preuilly's swimming pool. The local council feels it is too expensive to run the pool heating and employ the maitre-nageur ('swim master') all year round, so the pool is only open for the summer school holidays (July and August) and a few weekends in June. The entrance fee is a modest €2.50 for adults (or €22 for a carnet of 10 tickets). It's a shame the season is so short, as this year we have finally got our act together and started going regularly.

Looking up the river from the pool to the Abbey.
This is thanks to a mixture of goading and gentle encouragement from our friends Huub and Ingrid, and to the great atmosphere at this friendly, underused public pool.

Looking across the pool to the chateau. (That's me in the pool...)
The maitre-nageur this year was Laurent, and between him and Jean-Michel, the campsite manager, the pool and neighbouring campsite have been managed impeccably. It was the first year someone was onsite at all times, ensuring that everything ran smoothly and improving the ambiance and practicality for campers. Even the engineers who look after the heating system were friendly and delighted if you stopped for a chat and to admire their work. Laurent was extremely popular with the swimmers and we wish him well for the new adventure he moves on to. We are all hoping he will return for next year's season.

Arrête de causer ! Nagez !
Until then, we will be moving on to our friends Alice and John's pool.



Sheila said...

Sounds as though you're both
into the swimming routine if it's
now onto another pool. Our public
one closes for the winter too.
Ours, however, is used to the
fullest. Even had a bring your
(well-behaved) dog afternoon
recently. Have never been it.

Wish you'd been here yesterday.
We had a huge tarantula hanging
around in the garage all day.
I'm sure it's probably seeking
water just like every other living
creature in this drought-stricken
place. We've left it a plate-full.
Haven't been to look for it this
morning yet. So fascinating but
so "creepy."

we left

Swimming Jane said...

It is sad knowing that a lot of local swimming pools are closing for the summer. Some people including me join a local community college to take classes for swimming just to get the opportunity to swim.

The Preuilly's swimming pool looks very pristine. How busy does it get there during the summer hours?

btw, it looks like Tristan is about to punch Laurent on the first picture.

Nigel Spencer said...

Ha! That's the man we referred to as 'The Dude' (as in The Big Lebowski). Nice feller.

Ken Broadhurst said...

Most public pools in France require swimmers to wear Speedo-type swimwear, supposedly for reasons of hygiene. Does the Preuilly pool allow swimmers in bathing trunks?

Susan said...

Ken: officially caleçon are banned but we think that must only cover board shorts style trunks. If you wear lycra trunks it isn't a problem. You can probably see that Tristan is wearing lycra trunks, and that's what Simon wears. Huub and Laurent, who are much more serious swimmers than the rest of us, wear briefs.

HuubToussaint said...

This year was an extraordinary pleasant season to swim/train in the outdoor pool of Preuilly, mostly thanks to Laurant. He arranged the pool such that there was a place for the swimmers to train, for the enthusiasts to practice and for the other people to enjoy the aquatic environment. This clarity on how the pool should be used created the nice atmosphere that brought people together. I look forward to next season!
Huub Toussaint

Chrissy said...

What a beautiful swimming pool, these are very few and far between now. Most ourdoor swimming pools are overcrowded and/or understaffed, especially in the UK. I would keep the location a closely guarded secret, lest you see every family within fifty miles swooping down!

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