Tuesday 8 April 2014

The Harp Shop

A harp shop in rue la Boétie, near Métro Miromesnil in the 8eme arrondissement of Paris. Simon took the photo because he had never seen so many harps in one place. He reckoned there were more harps in this one shop than there are harpists in the whole of Australia.
Nature News: The hirundines arrived in Preuilly yesterday on a weather front. I also opened our back door to find a Red Mason Bee Osmia rufa in the act of reversing in to one of the drainage holes on the outside of the door. She has obviously chosen it as a nest hole. Both O. rufa and the European Orchard Bee O. cornuta have used the door in the past.
Yesterday's Quiz: Well done to everyone who engaged with yesterday's wildlife quiz. All commenters got a few points for names (and a special thanks to chm who unearthed a valid French name). No one got what the bee fly was actually doing in the video however. To see full answer and points click on the link to go back to yesterday's post.


Tim said...

What an amazing sight....
it makes me think of Walt Disney's "Fantasia".

Autolycus said...

It makes me think - frivolously - of Gracie Fields.

I do miss the antique instrument shop in Rue du Pas de la Mule, near the Place des Vosges: now just another generic boutique.

Simon said...

Autolycus. I am glad I am not the only one. A friend was staying in the area, and I said "near the old music shop then", only to be met with blank looks

Pearl said...

it makes sense that they would come from somewhere but I've never seen a shop of them before.

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