As it appears it will never ever rain again we have had to devise a strategy for water the potager.
The latest wheeze involves two 80 litre poubelles, a hose, an electric drill, and a mini pump. Driving the car down to the potager with two 80 litre poubells sloshing around calls for extreme smoothness (it's me we're talking about, after all...), but if we don't want to see the veggies fried before they grow, it's essential.
Yes, the strut for the back of the car has failed,
hence the hi-tech wooden post.

Pump it!

In other news: Susan has finished sanding plaster (hoo-bally-ray!) and I have finished ridding tiles of excess glue. The question now is do I pose the tile plinthe before grouting or after?
Glad to see you are using a good french drill!!
It's just about dead - it cost me £10 about 6 years ago, so it hasnt done too badly. When it dies, I will buy another chinese one, but this time with a French label.
As they say, Necessity is mother of invention!
I've been wondering if the hi-tech wooden post is of Chinese origin? Doesn't look like bamboo to me, though!
The gas struts on the Citröen CX Estate didn't work correctly in very cold weather... Citröen made a special wooden support for all the Scandanavian export cars!!
Our tiler posed the plinth before grouting....?
chm: Portugese pine, probably. At least, pine certainly, Portugese probably.
Tim. I am sure the strut didn't work all winter 2009/10 but came back. This year it hasn't come back.
Hi Simon,
It's such a relief to know it's pine and probably Portuguese. With hi-tech you never know! All day I've been thinking about it and, now, I can go to bed and soundly sleep without any worry. Ouf, as they say in French!
I do hope you get some rain soon.Transporting water is hard work.
In my little part of the UK we've had a bit recently, but still only about 30% of that which we would receive in an average year.
I know the situation in the Touraine is much worse. We are wondering what we will find when we arrive.
I think it may well have been the last straw for the trees that Tim was going to remove.... we also saw the lightning in the distance and heard the odd rumble of thunder last night... see Simon's entry for the 22nd May.
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