The evening kicked off at 9.30 with a large number of the townfolks assembled in front of the Mairie and the pompiers selling paper lanterns to the kids. There is something amusing about seeing a pompier festooned with lanterns - usually they are so butch!

After another circus performance in front of the Mairie, we paraded to the plan d'eau, where a large marquee had been set up, as well as a bar and BBQ run by the pompiers.
There was then a spectacular firework display, which took me by surprise as I had heard talk about how dull the displays had been in years past. True, it wasn't "Rivers of Fire*", but either the display this year was a cut above the norm or I am less demanding than some, because I was well impressed.

The evening finished with dancing to a band in the marquee. I have read in books about the way the French dance, ie; you must do the right dance to the particular tune being played, especially the "rock and rolling". This appears to be not strictly true in Preuilly, but I was amused to see a dancefloor full of people doing the Madison (I think - it's been a long time) to "Just a Gigilo". It was really good seeing all generations on the dancefloor together, including some very tasty footwork by some of the town's more senior (and in Preuilly that means very senior indeed!) residents.

I don't know who organised the evening, but congratulations to whoever it was. I thought it was great.
*London, New Years Eve 2000, which failed to impress me anyway.
It looks great, Simon, with great photos. Those fireworks do look impressive.
Thanks Ken - it looks like the social life in town is starting to blossom. This year's "Moules Frites" evening, held the weekend before, was apprently the best for years.
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