Tuesday 9 May 2023

Hooray for Work!

We're working all this week, five days in a row with Claudette, and Susan has two half day walking tours on Sunday and Monday.

Five days in a row with the cars is unusual: the last time we did it was in 2014, although we came close a couple of times last September when we managed seven days in fourteen. It feels good to be working properly again, although I think that next week may be one of those times (like last September) where we talk about slowing down.

One problem we are encountering at the moment is finding fuel. Claudette likes a drink, and her favourite tipple is SP98e5, more commonly known as "super". At the moment supply of super is patchy, and yesterday I couldn't find any. Not that I particularly needed to, but we have taken to topping her up every time we find some. 

It could partly be because yesterday was the Monday of a long weekend, when all our fuel supplies are used up by Parisians who are down for the weekend (it's always Parisians who get the blame, even when it isn't), but supply of the more exotic fuel types has been slightly problematic for the past couple of months.

Around Preuilly we have had fairly regular supply, with one or two shortages for a couple of days - just long enough to induce a creased brow - but in Azay le Rideau, Tours, Amboise, and Blois one needs to check supply before setting out. I use this website for finding fuel, which so far has been about 95% accurate. As long as it gives today's price for SP98 I'm willing to pay a visit. Today we'll fill a Jerrican on our way to collect Claudette, just in case...

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