Friday 19 May 2023

Capturing Wildlife

When we first bought this house Susan was excited when she noticed "an orchid" (unspecified) in the garden.

Over the next few months we learned about the orchids of the Loire Valley, but we never saw our orchid bloom. I had inadvertently mowed it, trodden on it, or driven over it - or all three - and as far as I can recall since then we have never had a really strong orchid in our garden.

This year I am determined to reverse that. For the past goodness knows how many years we have had a lizard orchid rosette by our back gate, but either the gate or us have managed to squash it. This year will be different.

Our old ash bin finally totally rusted out a year or so ago, and one of the winter storms rolled it into the garden. That's when inspiration hit.

We will now see "our" orchid, protected as it is from feet, wheels and over zealous lawn mowing.

I don't think about gardening often, but when I do, I think good.


Carolyn said...

Simon, you have a zinc thumb.

chm said...

I think your orchid is orchis simplex poubellus.

Susan said...

chm: maybe its close cousin Orchis grandis var poubellus.

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