Monday 25 March 2024

Bed Matters

We bought our current bed in December 1998, when we moved from furnished to unfurnished rented accommodation in London. We chose it because it's a big solid piece in pine, and it looked interesting. Our plan was to paint it, but until last week it remained bare unpainted pine.

On Sunday night last week I moved the bed into the bedroom and reassembled it. As there was nothing else in the room I decided it was the ideal time to paint it, so I put it together over a drop sheet, standing on little blocks.

I made an error on Tuesday, by undercoating it with a brush. It was very thick undercoat, which means the brush strokes are there for all eternity.

On Wednesday we were in NOZ, who had V33 paint for 9€ a litre (normally about 30€ a litre). We bought a load of paint for not much money, then I got to work. I think I might have been suffering sleep deprivation and been a bit manic, because the end result is more colorful than we'd planned. But I did discover acrylic paint pens from Action (4€ for 12), so that's a win.

I don't know how long it will remain in this scheme, but when it comes to being repainted I have a plan...


Le Pré de la Forge said...

Just needs a medieval canopy above and you will find Susan sleeps like a princess!!
Also, that scheme brings the downstairs, upstairs!!

AZJ said...

You both sleep in that little bed?

Susan said...

AZJ: It's queen sized.

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