Saturday 4 June 2022

Excuse me while I feel old

The UK is currently in a Jubilee frenzy, the Queen having spent 70 years on the throne. It's a long time, but also quite an odd time to make such a fuss about as most of the other "big" anniversaries are multiples of 25.

It does mean that my pint mug is now 45 years old. I bought it in Caernarfon, Wales in 1981 - 4 years after the Silver Jubilee, because it was on special and it seemed a laugh.


chm said...

I love the Queen. She’s great. She’s only two years younger than me. She shows a lot of courage to serve the British people. Yesterday I looked at the Trooping of the color and it was a magnificently orchestrated ballet! Long live to the Queen!

Susan said...

chm: I'm ambivalent about the Queen. I used to be able to see Buckingham Palace from my office in London. The Guards of various sorts used to parade up and down Birdcage Walk directly below me. We went to the rehearsal of the Trooping of the Colour once. Fun pageantry.

chm said...

Susan, we have a saying in France, Joie de rue, douleur de maison, which means she might be a bitch at home, but it doesn’t show.

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