Sunday 11 July 2021

Bondi Icebergs

This is the Bondi Icebergs swimming pool, on Bondi Beach in Sydney, taken a number of years ago. The setting is different to that of Preuilly's swimming pool: we have a view of a chateau and a 1000 year old church as opposed to a beach and the open ocean, but at the moment the main difference is that Preuilly's swimming pool is open (in fact, if you're reading this as it posts, that's where we are) whereas Sydney is in lockdown.



I won't given my opinion on the way that the Australian Government has handled the Covid crisis as bad language often offends.

1 comment:

chm said...

I think most governments underestimated and still do how dangerous and deadly this pandemic could be and still is. The Covidiots are all over the world. Time will tell if the world can master this pandemic!

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