Wednesday 28 July 2021

A Brief History of French Bread Ovens

Oven in a bakery, Indre et Loire, France. Photo by Loire Valley Time Travel.
A modern steam injected oven in a bakery in Preuilly. On the right is a receptical for pouring in water to provide the steam, on the left a wheel which rotates the stone base of the oven, for ease of getting loaves in and out.

Bread has been a staple in France for centuries, and central France is the biggest producer of wheat in Western Europe.

Restored bread oven in a garden, Indre et Loire, France. Photo by Loire Valley Time Travel.
An old bread oven in a farm house garden.

In the 19th century rural houses often had a separate little building that contained an oven for the household that would have been used on a daily basis. The oven was a brick dome surrounded by a fairly standard limestone and terracotta hut. It was constructed away from the dwelling because of the risk of fire. Every day a wood fire would be lit inside the dome and once reduced to coals the embers would be pushed aside and the day’s loaves put in, directly on the brick base of the oven. Today if you live in a house with one of these ovens you have likely renovated it and cook pizza in it. 

Ruined bread oven next to an abandoned house, Indre et Loire, France. Photo by Loire Valley Time Travel.
The ruins of a bread oven next to an abandoned salt smuggler's hideaway in the forest.

If you lived in or near a village in feudal times then you were obliged to use the four banal, the communal oven, which was owned by the local lord, who charged a fee for access to the oven. The lord was responsible for the maintenance of the oven, and he had to make sure that bread was baked perfectly, otherwise he was fined. But on top of taking one sixteenth of his peasants’ grain production as a general tax, he took another one sixeenth as a fee for the use of the four banal. In addition, the lord would have owned the mill where everyone had to get their wheatground into flour. Those who lived close to the oven were disturbed by the endless comings and goings as well as the noise and heat of the oven or ovens. Those who lived further away were annoyed that they could make the most perfect dough, but by the time they had brought it to the oven in summer it had over proved and by the time it arrived to be baked in winter it was too cold. The baker put in charge of the communal oven had to be available day and night in case someone turned up to bake their bread. 

Restored bread oven in a garden, Indre et Loire, France. Photo by Loire Valley Time Travel.
A nicely restored bread oven in a farm house garden.

The first four banal appeared in the Middle Ages in Paris near the Tour Saint Jacques, and they quickly spread throughout France, in populous communities becoming huge complexes with enormous and multiple ovens. These fours banaux are similar to the smaller private ones in construction and use. Not just bread could be cooked in these ovens, but gratinée style side dishes of vegetables would commonly be placed in the oven to brown and cook in the cooling bread oven after the loaves had been extracted. If you ever see a dish on a modern menu that is something a la boulangere, it will be one of these homely comforting old meals.

Bread oven in a barn, Vienne, France. Photo by Loire Valley Time Travel.
The bread oven in a friend's barn.

After feudalism ended in France commercial bakeries started springing up everywhere and the boulangerie, named after the traditional round boule loaf, was born. At first they had big brick ovens and baked all the same breads that everyone had always baked at home. They would also take housewives’ gratin dishes and cook them at the end of the baking day, for a small fee, as at this time many village houses did not have ovens at all and were cooking on stoves.

Partially renovated bread oven attached to a barn, Vienne, France. Photo by Loire Valley Time Travel.
A bread oven attached to a friend's barn -- mostly renovated, but still with a fig tree growing out of it. They are undecided as to whether the oven or the fig tree will win.

At the beginning of the 20th century a technological change meant that ovens changed. The baguette had been introduced, and it required a steam injection oven. Today that is what most bakers still use, to give their bread that crunchy crust we’ve all come to expect, and most have switched over to gas or electric rather than wood fired. But the heavy stone or brick bases of the ovens remain, as by law in France, certain traditional breads must be stone baked the old fashioned way, resting directly on the hot base of the oven and not on a tray or a shelf. 

Bread oven in the kitchens of the Chateau of Chenonceau, Indre et Loire, France. Photo by Loire Valley Time Travel.
The bread oven in the kitchen of the Chateau of Chenonceau. Because Chenonceau is a grand stone building, and built over water, there was no need to build the bread oven as a separate isolated shed. Here it is very conveniently right next to the big boiling and roasting open fire.

Street sign for rue du four banal (communal oven), Indre et Loire, France. Photo by Loire Valley Time Travel.
Most towns and villages have a rue du Four Banal.

Four banal (communal oven) below chateau, Indre et Loire, France. Photo by Loire Valley Time Travel.
The four banal in a Loire Valley village, set into the hillside between the castle and the centre of the village. Access is from the front at ground level, but also from on top, behind the oven, via a set of steep steps.

Four banal (communal oven), Indre et Loire, France. Photo by Loire Valley Time Travel.
The four banal in a Loire Valley village, with wood store on the right. This oven has been completely restored and is fired up occasionally for village events. Usually they will bake fouées or fouaces, a type of pita bread.

Pizzas cooking in an old bread oven in a troglodyte cave, Indre et Loire, France. Photo by Loire Valley Time Travel.
The oven in a troglodyte cave, fired up on a village fete day. Some tomato sauce made by the chefs at the Michelin starred restaurant and pizzas are in the oven.

Large bread oven being swept out, Indre et Loire, France. Photo by Loire Valley Time Travel.
My friend John sweeping out the large oven in our village's chateau gatehouse.

Restored bread oven in a garden, Indre et Loire, France. Photo by Loire Valley Time Travel.
A nicely restored oven at a local potter's place (used for pizza not pots).



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chm said...

Thank you Susan for this interesting and informative post. I'm craving French bread, halas! There is a rue du Four in Paris, not far from Saint-Sulpice. Certainly a local four banal.

Stephen said...

Hi I am Stephen Block and am writing about Tarte Flambe. I was wondering if you knew much about the ovens in Alsace where this dish was created. Would love to hear from you.
Thanks so much for the lovely pictures.

Susan said...

Stephen: I'm so sorry, but I don't know anything in particular about ovens in Alsace. We like flammekueche though, and I occasionally make it. Thanks for your interest, and do send me a link to your article once it's published. I'd be delighted to learn more.

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