Saturday 7 September 2024

My Shelf of Memories

After the most recent of our renovations were finished I moved a bookcase into the dining nook for stuff we needed to hand. The top shelf is awkward for Susan to reach comfortably, doubly so because there's a chair immediately in front of it.

That gave me an opportunity to get some of my momentos displayed. Most of these are gifts, and just as many are from previous times.

Left to right: in front is a piece of terracotta I found in the Mediterranean at whilst swimming at Sanremo last year (I'm claiming it's Roman). Behind that is "Dog" from Footrot Flats which was bought for me in 1982. The ceramic beer stein (with lid) is a 21st birthday present from Hugo and the South Pacific Lager glass and tray were part of a party pack I bought in 1982 (the beer was dreadful). The Olympic Phryge is a lot more recent, fron Niall and Antoinette. The Queen's Silver Jubilee beer glass I bought in 1981 in Carnarvon (it was on special, having been on the shelf for 4 years). The sports cup and the medal on the right are from 1968, when I played soccer with the All Saints Hunters Hill Soccer Football Club in Sydney (we lost only one game all season and were Under 8A champions). The Bavarian beer mug was a gift from my parents in 2003 and the Viking is from Peter Panda, and I think was a 25th birthday present. The hedgehog was a thank you gift from Donna, who I showed around southern England in 1998.

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