Friday 13 September 2024

Walking in the Forest of la Guerche

I joined six friends on Wednesday 4 September for what was supposed to be a 5 or 6 kilometre walk from Rond du Chêne, the hunting lodge in the heart of the Forest of la Guerche. However, due to some rubbish map reading (not by me) we ended up doing nearly 8 kilometres. As well as the extra distance, luckily none of it uphill, we were plagued by numerous biting clegs Haematopota sp. Even I ended up with four bites, and I am not normally troubled by these persistant blood feeders. Along the way we encountered several groups of cyclists, a forester and his intern, and a Dutch woman who greeted us from her garden.


A somewhat mutant looking Wood Cauliflower Mushroom Sparassis crispa (Fr. Sparassis crépu) I think.

Fungus, Indre et loire, France. Photo by loire Valley Time Travel.

A group of cyclists crossing through the forest on the road.

Cyclists traversing a forest, Indre et loire, France. Photo by loire Valley time Travel.

The étang (dam) on the Allée de Dangé. You can just see white waterlilies flowering.

Etang, Indre et loire, France. Photo by loire Valley Time Travel.

Teetering dead tree.

Teetering dead tree, Indre et loire, France. Photo by loire Valley Time Travel.

On a forest trail.

Forest path, Indre et loire, France. Photo by loire Valley Time Travel.

One of many Red Slugs Arion rufus (Fr. Grande loche) that we encountered.

Red Slug Arion rufus, Indre et loire, France. Photo by loire Valley Time Travel.

Ash Black Slug Limax cinereoniger (Fr. Grande Limace). Unlike the Red Slugs, this was the only one we saw.

Ash Black Slug Limax cinereoniger, Indre et Loire, france. Photo by Loire VaLLey Time TraveL.

Red Slugs mating.

Red Slugs Arion rufus mating, Indre et loire, France. Photo by loire valley Time Travel.

Heading out into the forest.

Walking through a forest, Indre et loire, France. Photo by loire Valley Time Travel.

Sessile (French) Oak Quercus petraea (Fr. Chêne rouvre). 'Sessile' means 'stalkless' and refers to the acorns. It is one of the dominant species in this forest.

Sessile (French) Oak Quercus petraea, Indre et loire, France. Photo by loire Valley Time Travel.

The Holly Ilex aquifolium (Fr. Houx) berries are starting to colour up.

Holly Ilex aquifolium, Indre et loire, france. Photo by loire Valley Time Travel.

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