Friday 16 August 2024

A Very Social Day

Yesterday was the annual Assumption Day* classic car gathering at Lesigny, held in association with their brocante.

We've been before, in 2017, 2018 and 2019. The event didn't happen in 2020 and 2021 because of the plague, then we had clients the past two years.

This year we attended with Anne (from "Anne and John across the road"). We had invited them in thanks for John stacking our wood earlier in the week but John had work from home to do and couldn't come.

We arrived at 8:30 for the casse - croûte: bread, terrine and cheese, and then coffee. After a bit of sitting around and socialising we went for a short 15(?)km drive before returning to Lesigny for lunch.

The crowd gathers

On the road, in convoy

We had our yummy picnic sitting at tables set out in rows by the Lesigny Comité des Fêtes. We had taken melon and ham, followed by camembert tart, vegemite scrolls, smoked salmon, pickles and home grown tomatoes, then chocolate and biscuits. The cheese remained uneaten because we were too full. Our new picnic set (complete with our newly purchased faux laguiole cutlery) had it's first outing, and did the job very well.

Lunch!! Anne and Susan spreading the feast


We left soon after lunch - I was starting to tire, what with the heat and still being not quite 100%. It was an excellent event as ever: fun, social, and free of pressure to do anything but enjoy oneself.

Lots of older cars

Claudette hiding behind a Hummer

After a nap we headed out again, this time to Angela and Dennis' for their annual dinner and music gathering. It also was excellent, with great company and food and music.

An evening of conviviality 

Two social events in one day is unusual for us, but both were worth making the effort for. I may be sleeping all day today...

*Feast day of the Assumption of Mary, one of the Catholic holy days of obligation. (It's a public holiday in Austria, Belgium, Benin, Bosnia, Burundi, Cameroon, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, France, some states in Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Italy, Ivory Coast, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Malta, Mauritius, Paraguay, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Senegal, Seychelles, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Togo, and Vanuatu)

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