Tuesday 27 August 2024

Walking From Chaumussay

Here are some photos from a walk I took on a fairly hot day in August. It was two and a half kilometres around Chaumussay, and took me half an hour.


European Peacock Inachis io (Fr. Paon-du-jour) and Red Admiral Vanessa atalanta (Fr. Vulcain) butterflies nectaring on Hemp-agrimony Eupatorium cannabinum (Fr. Eupatoire à feuilles de chanvre) by the side of the greenway (Fr. voie verte).

Peacock Inachis io and Red Admiral Vanessa atalanta on Hemp-agrimony Eupatorium cannabinum, Indre et loire, france. photo by loire Valley Time Travel.

Naturalised apple tree by the side of the voie verte.

Naturalised apple tree, Indre et loire, France. Photo by loire Valley Time Travel.

Soapwort Saponaria officinalis (Fr. Saponaire), a wild plant once used to make suds to wash hands and delicate embroidery and lace in the Touraine.

Soapwort Saponaria officinalis, Indre et loire, France. Photo by loire Valley Time Travel.

The village church.

Church, Indre et loire, France. Photo by loire Valley time travel.

A charming garden gate, made by Michel for his house in the village.

Garden gate, Indre et loire, France. Photo by loire Valley Time Travel.

This rose was feeling the heat.

Rose in village, Indre et loire, France. Photo by loire Valley Time Travel.

Public planting at the end of the bridge.

Public planting, Indre et loire, France. Photo by loire Valley Time travel.

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