Sunday 9 May 2021

A Disintegrating Grass Tree

This photograph shows a grass tree trunk disintegrating. It is made up of the bases of each of the narrow leaves, and comes away in layers or chunks. The inner trunk has a pockmarked surface from where the leaves have attached, and a hard rod in the centre, which is the remains of the flower stalk.

Grass Tree Xanthorrhoea sp trunk disintegrating, Australia. Photo by Loire Valley Time Travel.

Grass trees Xanthorrhoea spp are endemic to Australia, growing mainly in the eastern, south-eastern and south-western coastal areas.



chm -- no, not related, as you have found out.


chm said...

This Australian Grass tree is reminiscent of the American South West Yucca tree. Are they in the same family?

chm said...

In the Wikipedia page about Grass tree, I find that it is called Yacca in a South Australia aboriginal language. The similarity with the US South West name of Yucca is striking. But they're in different families. I guess the name yucca is probably a Native American name.

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