Thursday, 20 March 2025

Les Espaces Naturels Sensibles (Sensitive Natural Sites) in the Touraine

 Pasque flower Pulsatilla vulgaris (Fr. Anémone pulsatille), one of several rare and protected plants that grow on the ENS des Puys Chinonais.

Pasque flower Pulsatilla , France.

There are 21 of these nature reserves in the Touraine, all open to the public and carefully managed to preserve their unique natural characteristics. 


Ile de la Métairie. On the banks of the Loire, offering a rich and diverse native flora, with many annuals and wooded aluvial habitats.

ILe de La Métairie ENS, France.

These nature reserves allow the protection and understanding of Touraine heritage by combining ecology and teaching. In protected surroundings, enticing for walking and immersing oneself in nature you are invited to discover the diversity of the Touraine's landscapes.


 Domaine de Candé. A 230 ha country park encompassing forest, damp grassland and streams, surrounding a chateau dating from two main construction periods.

Domaine de Cande, France.

The objective of the policy of creating ENS is to preserve the quality of these sites and landscapes by ensuring the safeguarding of natural habitats. They are developed so as to be open to the public. Altogether the sites constitute a network of diversified spaces, representative of the Touraine.


Eperon Barré du Murat. A yellow tuffeau (limestone) ridge with prehistoric structures, where you can see a remarkable number of orchid and insect species.

Eperon du Murat ENS, France.

The majority of ENS are former extensive agricultural zones (pasture, arable, forestry, fishponds) where the management by farmers over hundreds of years has contributed to maintaining a variety of flora and fauna. The abandonment of these activities has led to an imbalance and a degradation of the spaces. Maintenance carried out by volunteers has allowed the biodiversity to be restored.


 Les Grandes Fontaines. These vast calcareous grasslands which stretch out to the north of the Champeigne Tourangelle plateau offer a rich biodiversity. In summer you can encounter lowland bird species such as the little bustard, Eurasian stone-curlew and Hen Harrier.

les Grandes Fontaines ENS, France.

I've been to about half of the sites, so the photos are from my archive.


 Etang du Louroux. Bordered by woods and grasslands, this site of 110 ha (of which 60 ha is the étang/dam itself) offers a mosaic of natural habitats which attracts great numbers of birds all year long.

Etang du Louroux ENS, France.

The complete list of sites in Indre et Loire:

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