Friday 14 July 2023

The Chapelle des Moines de Berzé-la-Ville

The first place we visited on our recent holiday was the painted Chapelle des Moines de Berzé-la-Ville.

It's the chapel of a priory farm owned by the abbey of Cluny and built around 1100. The chapel was built on a rock for the abbot Hugues de Semur, who received important guests there, including Pope Pascal II during Christmas 1106. Hugues died in 1109, before the building work and decoration was completed.

Saints of the first centuries: the mainly unknown (these days) Abdon, Sennen, Dorotheus, Gorgon, Sebastian, Sergius, Bacchus, Dionysus and Quintius

The martyrdom of Saint Blaise and Saint Vincent

Most of the buildings were rebuilt in the 17th century, and at some point the murals were covered. That was possibly after the French Revolution when the upper chapel was converted into a barn, and it wasn't until 1887 that the murals were re-discovered by chance by Philibert Jolivet, the parish priest.

Christ in Majesty, surrounded by the disciples and the Saints Benedict

The chapel was listed as a Historic Monument in 1893. After the Second World War, the buildings were put up for sale, and Dame Joan Evans, a British archaeologist and patron of the arts, bought the chapel and donated it to the Académie de Mâcon. In 2016 it was entrusted to the Centre des Monuments Nationaux to open to the public.

If you're in the area the chapel is well worth a visit. It's a bargain at 4€ per person.

1 comment:

chm said...

As I recall this chapel is very small and painted all over and beautiful.. That was in 1954! I don’t remember paying anything. i

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