Monday, 3 February 2025

Local Produce at the Supermarket

Rather an interesting range of local charcuterie.

Display of local charcuterie in a supermarket, France.

Very often supermarkets set out with charming labelling to fool their customers into thinking they are buying from small scale farmers who are working in partnership with the supermarket in a win-win relationship. Very often this is a deception designed to give the customer the warm and fuzzies when they buy eggs or meat or veggies. Generally the produce will come from industrial farms hundreds of kilometres away and have a considerable markup. But a few of our local supermarkets, notably the Intermarché franchises in small towns, take supporting their local producers seriously. The other day I went into the Intermarché store in Chatillon sur Indre to find that they were featuring their local cheese producers in one end of a refrigerated cabinet, and a charcuterie from Issoudun at the other end. I was also charmed by the fact that one of the staff waited patiently for me to finish photographing the cheese before he came through with his pallet trolley. He was also perfectly accepting of the fact I was photographing in the supermarket.


These are real local goats cheese producers, and I reckon half the supermarket customers would know them personally.

Display of local cheeses in a supermarket, France.

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