This is a Year of the Snake according to the Chinese zodiac. Here in the Touraine we have a number of wild native snake species. Only one is venomous. There is one, non-venomous, that you are very likely to see, two or three others, including the venomous species, that you could be lucky enough to see, and a couple more which are rather rare.
A Western Whip Snake Hierophus viridiflavus (Fr. Couleuvre jaune et verte), captured in a chook shed and now being released into the wild. This is the species you are most likely to see south of the Loire in the Touraine.
Last year the Societé Herpetalogique de Touraine began a campaign they dubbed SOS Serpents 'l'Appel, pas la pelle' ('the call, not the shovel'). They successfully convinced several hundred members of the public to call them to come and remove snakes in buildings and gardens. That was several hundred relieved people, and potentially dozens of snakes saved from being chopped in half or beaten to death with a shovel.
Barred Grass Snake Natrix helvetica (Fr. Couleuvre hélvetique).
Please bear in mind that all snakes are protected species in France, and it is illegal to deliberately disturb or harm them. Always call the SHT if the snake needs to be moved, because they are licenced snake handlers, properly trained and with the legal right to touch them.
Asp Viper Vipera aspis (Fr. Vipère aspic), our only venomous species.
Remember that snakes are great rodent controllers and an important part of our dwindling biodiversity. They are easy to live with and tend to disappear if disturbed. They are at much more risk from your cats and dogs than your pets are from them.
The Virgin with Snake by Charles Jean Avissau in the Abbey in Preuilly was spruced up by a conservator a few years ago.
The other place you might see serpents is by looking around in old churches. The serpent forming a loop swallowing its own tail, known as the ouroboros and representing the eternal cycle of life is often to be spotted carved into the column capitals. And serpents feature in other Christian iconography, most notably the story of the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden.
Medieval wall painting showing the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden, in one of the painted churches along the Gartempe.
Bonus snake. This is the Serpent of the Sea, where the Loire River meets the Atlantic Ocean.
Further reading:
My page on the Western Whip Snake
My page on the Asp Viper
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