Tuesday, 24 April 2018

The Chateau at Rouvray

We have mentioned the chateau at Rouvray a number of times, but never actually managed to visit. It's only open on European Heritage days, but because that's September we are usually working.

It's tucked away in the woods, and we are certain you can't really see it - so imagine our surprise the other day when we saw it from the road on our way to cake club. We agreed amongst ourselves that we're not that unobservant, and they must have removed some trees.


Carolyn said...

Your photo would make a good addition to monumentum.fr. They show the location on a Google map but don't have a photo, and yours was taken from an angle that shows off its towers very well. Driving down a small road and just coming across an architectural gem is one of the things we like best about visiting France.

chm said...

Carolyn, if you google "chateau de Rouvray Chambon", you'll find several French websites and many photos of the chateau.

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