
Friday 12 October 2018

Eiffel Foot Bridge

The Eiffel engineering company may be most famous for making the Eiffel Tower in Paris, but actually they mostly made bridges. There are at least two that we know of in the Loire Valley, both foot bridges (Fr. passerelles). One crosses the Indrois River allowing access to the walled kitchen garden from the chateau at MontrĂ©sor. 

The other is this simple but elegant structure crossing a ditch at the Tourist Office in the village of Villandry, linking the public car park to the sports ground.


chm said...

It seems that no job was too small for them and we are the winners.

Colin and Elizabeth said...

It was probably a "Merde" moment when they got the contract to build the tower... How are we going to do that!!! BUT they did...

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