
Saturday 15 June 2024

We've had Visitors

I returned home from a little drive yesterday, and parked Claudette in the garden. Then I realised something was moving.

These are this years brood, only about 4 or 5 inches long. We've never seen hedgehogs in daylight, and we've never seen more than one at a time.

A little time after I took those videos I went out to check on them. I could find only one, and he was in our (grass) driveway, so I took more photos. It was obviously unafraid, because it kept shuffling towards me, making focusing rather difficult.

Later in the day again, we had another look and found the mother. All this means we'll have to check the garden before we do anything. Including moving the car, hanging washing on the line, and - of course - mowing the lawn.

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