
Monday 17 June 2024

Turning Back the Clock on the N10

Yesterday we did something that's becoming increasingly rare for us. We actually went to a car gathering with Claudette. It's not that we don't enjoy these events any more, it's just that Claudette is living in our garage near Tours whilst CĂ©lestine is poorly in our garage at home. This means that serious logistics is involved if we wish to take Claudette out for fun.

However - last week we happened to have Claudette at home, but needing to be returned to Tours. It just so happened that Nostal'10, who are restoring the old Bellevue (which we wrote about here), hold a monthly meet and it coincided (a planned coincidence) with our trip to Tours with Claudette. 

As usual, we ran into a number of friends and acquaintances, saw some cars we hadn't seen before, and had a convivial time.

The weather wasn't great...

A new banner.

We haven't seen this H-van before

Claudette with her close contemporaries 

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