
Sunday 5 April 2015

Moon Over the Marbles

My Dad silhouetted in the evening sun and the moon rising over the Devils Marbles in central Australia.


Le Pré de la Forge said...

Happy Easter S&S

Le Pré de la Forge said...

In my comment on the last post re: the Marbles....
I mentioned that if it was staining you'd get a Plane bark effect as the freeze-thaw took layers off...
that is illustrated perfectly in pic3, above, but....
what I am now trying to get my head around is the fact that earlier flaked areas now seem to be turning brown...
when the granite is no longer covered by the sandstone.

Susan said...

In my experience everything gets stained red in that desert country.

Tim said...

Windblown iron-rich grains of the original sandstone?

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