
Monday 6 April 2015


We like Montrichard for many reasons, and these are three of them:

The medieval bridge (much repaired and obviously strengthened)
 The medieval houses (colombage in French, half-timbered in English)
This little summer house right on the corner. I want one.
Nature News: 'Our' swallows have arrived. Two were observed sitting on the phone wire in front of our garage, nattering to one another. No investigation of the garage as nesting site was observed though. They did however take the opportunity to poo on Claudette when she was parked in the driveway.

1 comment:

Le Pré de la Forge said...

"They did however take the opportunity to poo on Claudette...."....
just after you'd cleaned her, no doubt!!
And with them came this sun...
so thank you to your swallows!!

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