
Friday 11 May 2012

Eggs Florentine

Ingredients for Eggs Florentine.
The other day I had some left over cooked spinach and it occurred to me I could use it up by making Eggs Florentine for lunch. It's not a dish you encounter very much any more. I don't know why, as it is real comfort food without being stodge.

Just out of the oven.
To make it I first generously buttered two individual soufflé dishes, then covered their bases with a layer of chopped steamed spinach. Then I put in a small dollop of creme crue. The cream is optional. I pressed it a bit with the back of the spoon to create a shallow depression, into which I cracked an egg. Alternatively, you could mix the cream and the spinach and then create a dip for the egg in the mixture. Lightly salt and pepper the egg. Cover generously with bechamel sauce then smother with lots of grated cheese. I cheated by using a ready made sauce. You could make your own, and you could mix some of the grated cheese into the sauce rather than pile it all on top. Bake in a moderate oven for 15 minutes. If the top doesn't come out sufficiently brown you can put it under the grill for an extra 5 minutes. Serve with fresh bread which you dip into the gooey mixture, then tackle the rest with a spoon, just like eating a soft boiled egg.



ladybird said...

Mmmmmm, I can almost taste it! Btw, Congratulations on the 3rd anniversary of your move to France. I'm sure you will be opening a bottle of local bubbly to celebrate the occasion! Martine

Pollygarter said...

What did you do with the leftover bechamel? Seriously though, congrats on the anniversary from us too.

Susan said...

Martine: Thanks.

PG: didn't have any leftover béchamel. I buy the 3 packs of 250ml tetrapaks - a habit I developed in the days of the temporary kitchen. One of those does 2 generously coated Eggs florentine.

Jean said...

We love those little packs of bechamel sauce, so handy.
The eggs look yummy.

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