
Monday 7 January 2008

Our second Christmas in Preuilly

This is getting to be a habit. Once again, we rented Madame F's gite in Roux, but this time we drove down, rather than flying in.

The ferry was smooth (hooray!) and the roads not too crowded. We actually managed a stop at the Aire de la Baie de Somme, a motorway services nominally overlooking the Somme Estuary, which gave us a chance to try acclimatise to ice and frost.We then missed our turn off the autoroute and went the wrong side of Amiens, adding about 30 minutes to an already quite long journey. Ah well...

The viewing platform at the Baie de Somme. Note the ice.
We stopped for fuel at le Clerc in Chatellerault, which may have been a mistake, as the car park was in turmoil - gridlocked, with staff trying to sort it all out. The joys of Christmas shopping, eh? We didn't go into the supermarche itself - we may never have got out.

As for the rest of the break, we did hardly any work on the house, as it was so cold inside the windows had condensation on the outside. We did install some dry rot testers, and checked out the new roof in detail. The rest of the time was fairly social (as Susan's last post mentions) and pretty much just a holiday.

New roof in all it's glory.
It may be our last holiday for some time...


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