
Saturday 5 January 2008

Greetings to Friends In and Around Preuilly

We had quite a social time of it over Christmas and New Year and made some new friends, as well as catching up with people we have known for a while.

Alan and Jane treated us to dinner in Alan's lovely home and a lively discussion about modern art. Apologies to the scaredy-cat who was obliged to spend the evening under the bed due to her house being invaded by strangers. A big thank you to Alan and Jane for being so kind and hospitable when we needed an urgent internet connection too.

The Fête de la Truffe at Marigny-Marmande with Howard and Janet was a very gentle introduction to the archane world of truffle hunting, trading and preparation. We look forward to continuing the discussion on the relative merits of Kate Moss v Elle McPherson and are determined to win the €20 prize for coming up with the solution to the problem of the post in the middle of Howard and Janet's salle à manger.

Talking forestry pratices and Preuilly politics over a glass of Kir Royale at 11.00 in the morning with Anne and Jean-Pierre and Mme L (Jean-Pierre's mother) was delightful. We want a dog just like Dylan and Mme L's cassis recipe.

Meeting Alan and Jane and the Famille L is thanks to John and Jill, who we hope to see in Preuilly sometime this year.

New Year's Eve was spent at Chris and Sue's place in the Brenne, along with their extended family and friends (who turn out to all live within a few miles of us in England - what a small world it is sometimes!) I am very envious of the beautiful ring Sue's sister got for Christmas and am not at all surprised that we caught her flashing it at Auberge La Gabrière - no need to be embarrassed - go for it girl is what I say!

Sue and Chris will be on their way to their big Australian adventure now, and we really hope they have a fantastic time there.

It was nice to catch up, however briefly, with Michèle (who owns the gîte we stay in when our house is too cold to contemplate camping in), the Famille Chedozeau at Hotel l'Image (although we didn't get to see the new wallpaper in the restaurant), Christine (our neighbour) and the whirlwind that is Céline (I will know I am approaching fluency when I can understand one word in ten of Céline's rapid fire French).

Bengt and Suzanne - we missed you by about a week I think, but we did go and admire your new render.



Shonagh said...

Hello Susan & Simon,

I have intended to write to you for some time now, having discovered you live down the hill from us, through your wonderful blog site, passed on to me by, Jill and John. We are on Rue de l'Horloge and are renovating SLOWLY whilst we live & work in Liverpool/Manchester to finance the next stage.
We spent Xmas & New Year in Preuilly, and though I was hoping for snow, we had some wonderful crisp blue skies and relaxed in a way that is so unique to our time in Preuilly.
Caught up with Jean-Pierre and Anne briefly, as we were leaving not long after their arrival, which is often the way...until we can stay longer.
It would be lovely to meet with you both when we're next in Preuilly sur Claise.
Until then good luck with the next stage of your renovations!
Shonagh & Kevin.

Susan said...


Very nice to hear from you. Anne and Jean Pierre and Jill and John have mentioned you a number of times. Indeed we must meet up sometime this year.


Shonagh said...

Hello Susan,

Good to hear back from you so soon. It would be great to meet up and compare notes on our experiences of Touraine, although judging from your blog site, you have visited many places, some of which we have not yet discovered, other's we came across by canoe. As you probably know, Jill & John are also unearthing many interesting facts about Preuilly and the streets we live on.

I don't know when you are next in Preuilly but due to work commitments Kevin probably won't be there till May and myself, a month or so's so far away and I hate being away from the house for so long, but needs must. We will let you know when we are next heading south for the ferry...and hopefully our visit may coincide?!

Look forward to meeting you both.
All the best,


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