
Thursday 4 July 2024

An Update on Simon

It has finally happened! I said on Monday that I was coming home. Then circumstances played against me.

After the operation on Wednesday and all looking good, I had a massive setback on Thursday night. I had a migraine that meant all I could do for 24 hours was lie down and chew painkillers. I didn't eat anything at all on Friday, which they understood whilst not being totally happy about.  Then I fainted in the shower - completely out. I had someone in there with me so I didn't fall.  I was better on Saturday, ate two half meals and sat up for a bit. Then I fainted in the shower again.

Then, on Monday, when they were supposed to be releasing me, I got them to help me to the bathroom, got them to pose me because I thought I wanted a to use the toilet, and the next thing I knew I was on the floor with them trying to lift me. That gave me a huge egg on the forehead, a black eye, and a bruise on the cheek. All that meant I had an extra 2 days in while they did tests.

But it's good. I got home yesterday, and I'm already 200% better. I have to have a daily visit from the nurse for the next 27 days for an anticoagulant injection, but the catheter comes out on Monday - and that's damn good news!! I've never been more uncomfortable. I do have to wear the sexy, sexy support stocking for a few more weeks.

But the surgeon looked smug every time he inspected his handiwork, and the nurse at the hospital said it was "impeccable"

I have to say that while the staff were brilliant the food at the hospital was less than inspiring. There wasn't a single meal I finished, and the lack of food is probably what made me faint.

1 comment:

Diane said...

Glad you are back home, take care and no more fainting. Get better very quickly. Cheers Diane

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