
Tuesday 28 May 2024

Once Upon a Time in Loches -- a 'Free' Town 1940 - 1942


Poster for an exhibition about the liberation of loches, Indre et loire, France. Photo by loire Valley Time travel.

"The town of Loches was not immediately in the 'free' zone. In fact, following an administrative error Loches found itself in the Occupied Zone from 21 June to 11 July 1940. The Germans set themselves up in Rue Picois and in the barracks on Place de Verdun for a month. From 11 July, after the error was rectified, it was the Vichy Army which were installed at both Loches and Perusson.

The daily life of the residents of Loches and the surrounding countryside in the 'Free' Zone had a routine dictated by requisitions and rationning. The ration cards and tickets were distributed by the Town Hall. They covered not only food, like bread, flour or eggs, but also supplies such as petrol, wood or even coal. Because of this, the black market and resourcefulness became the solution for many inhabitants, despite the difficulties and the illegality that it entailed.

Memorial to the Demarcation line, Indre et loire, France. Photo by loire Valley Time Travel.

The Vichy Regime controlled the town at different levels. A new sub-prefet and municipal council were appointed directly by the Government, who placed conviction Pétainists in charge of the town. Numerous streets were renamed, like the Manthelan road, which became Avenue Maréchal du Pétain. The local press was controlled and censored. The Ecole normale, which trained teachers, was closed. To ensure security in the area the 32nd Infantry Regiment, who were under the control of the Vichy Government, were installed in Loches, so it became a garrison town." 


Note: The 32nd Infantry Regiment was traditionally made up of men from the Touraine, so they were locals, who knew the geography and the people.

This poster is part of an exhibition in the Chancellerie on 'Loches in 1944'

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