
Tuesday 19 March 2024

Kind of Blue

Compared to the fun we had with the red paint, painting our bedroom was an easy choice. I wanted a kind of petrol blue - and that's what we got straight out of the tin.

The room during the day

The two big wins in the bedroom are the floor and the fireplace. The floor was sanded and given numerous coats of a soft wax look varnish.

How it looks after dark

The fireplace... I decided to use it to create a feature, and that's exactly what I did. I lined the firebox with plasterboard to seal it, the surround was painted grey and the interior a very matt black. I would post a photo, but I've neglected to take one. Maybe tomorrow. I will create a "hearth" from chipboard, and tile it with tomettes - but that's a project for another day.

1 comment:

Le Pré de la Forge said...

You will have to get an arrangement of Everlasting "Dustcollector" Flowers to put in the cavity!!

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