
Monday 18 December 2023

Marrons Glaces

These artisanal candied chestnuts from Provence available in my local supermarket work out at €1.52 each. There are 10 in a box. Definitely just an occasional Christmas treat.

Marrons glaces in the supermarket, Vienne, France. Photo by Loire Valley Time Travel.


Glacé chestnuts (Fr. marrons glacés) are one of the culinary extravagances of Christmas time, and beloved by French people. They are more or less impossible to make at home, and quite expensive to buy. Their texture is very distinctive and they are rarely eaten outside of the winter holiday period.


If I buy them it will be in this cheaper version, which is pieces of candied chestnut, not whole ones.

Pieces of marrons glaces in the supermarket, Vienne, France. Photo by Loire Valley Time Travel.



chm said...

Happy Birthday, Susan, and many happy returns of the day!

Susan said...

Thank you dear chm. It was very non-eventful. A walk in the afternoon with friends who I walk with regularly. No presents, no celebration -- it just didn't seem like the moment for that. And the weather is grey.

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