
Wednesday 17 May 2023

That's Random

Regular readers will recall we are semi-regular attendees at the annual Martizay Goose Fair held on May 2nd (we have written about it here, here, and here). I can't remember if the fair was on last year, we certainly didn't go, I think we were working.

This year we called in for a stroll and lunch, expecting carp, but the Brenne association didn't appear to be there. Instead we had lunch from a traiteur we have seen at various fairs and fetes. Susan had duck and I had merguez.  No idea who they are or where they're from, but it was good.

The fair is a sign that spring is here and we should be thinking about summer veg. The plant stores were doing roaring trade, as were the various greengrocers. The agricultural merchants were out in force selling stock feed, tools and tractors, but as far as we could tell there was only one stall offering feathered livestock.

There was also some entertainment.

It's surprising what you can see in a small French village.


Carolyn said...

They are rocking those outfits.

sillygirl said...

Oh those wacky French! Love their sense of humor and it looks like they were having a splendid time.

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