
Monday 17 April 2023

We're Not Millennials

You can easily tell Susan and I are not Millennials.

We went for a very good lunch yesterday at L’Auberge de La Roche, in la Roche Posay, somewhere our neighbours Anne and John recommended which had somehow slipped under our radar. The food was extremely well prepared, tasty, and so beautiful we thought it deserved being photographed.

We have hundreds of photo of entrées (starters for you North Americans) taken at restaurants across the globe. What we don't have is photos of main courses, because we forget. Even more galling is that when an amuse bouche is served before the entrée we have no photos of the entrée, no matter how pretty it is. The photo is yesterday's amuse bouche, a feather-light mousse of truffle infused lentils.

And that's the only photo of yesterday's Silver Anniversary lunch. Having grown up when photography involved rationing what we took photos of because of the expense and time involved, we have never quite got into the rhythm of taking pictures of everything. Thus we don't have any photos of main courses, desserts, and us.

So you'll have to take it from us that lunch was lovely, and it was as tasty as it was pretty.

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