
Wednesday 25 January 2023

The Key to a Stress-free Life

Yesterday we posted a photo of Amboise, taken while we were waiting to collect our clients. We used the Cactus, because when the temperature is close to freezing most people like car heaters. But because we were going to be near the garage in Tours I thought I would visit Claudette, start her engine, give her a quick check over.

When I arrived at the garage I discovered that I didn't have the key. Cue swearing. I knew I had picked the key up before leaving home, but it was nowhere in my bag, or any pockets.

So on Sunday I ransacked everywhere inside the house, in my bags, and the car. We only have one key for the garage and are forbidden by the terms of the lease to get a copy made. So I emailed everywhere we went on Saturday: shops, restaurants, town halls, you name it.

Then as Susan was heading out on Sunday afternoon she saw them - on the exterior window sill next to the back door. I know I didn't put them there, so I can only assume it was a passer by found them dropped in the driveway. Probably the factrice (post lady).

I'm glad to have them back, but could have done without the stress


potty said...

We were always pleased with the service provided by our postlady who we called Laurance Van der Poste. ...Always a problem about leaving a name, postcode, landline or mobile phone number on a bunch of keys.

Susan said...

Potty: We don't even know our postie these days since La Poste centralised a few years ago. The service is based in Descartes, a good half hour away.

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