
Thursday 19 May 2022

Tulips from Amsterdam

Well - maybe not tulips, and definitely not Max Bygraves*.

Yesterday we took Claudette's seats to the upholsterer in le Blanc. We went early both so that he could get a start on them, and so that we could do the trip in the relative cool of the morning. Because it was early and a very nice day we took the opportunity to visit the centre of town, sit in a café and watch the world go by, something we very rarely do.

While we were on the terrace of the café a very large Dutch truck arrived, effected a very neat 180 degree course around the roundabout (using back wheel steering on the trailer) and parked in front of the florist's.

After we took a turn about the weekly market the truck was still there. As we had to walk past it to get to the pedestrian crossing we took a glance in. WOW! Talk about a professional looking unit. We were so impressed Susan asked if we could take a photo, to which the reply was "yes, but we will hide".


sillygirl said...


bonnie groves poppe said...

Pretty grim carbon footprint for those fleurs .... call me a spoilsport......
bonnie in provence (with no tulips)

Susan said...

bonnie: yes could be. I assume you are talking about water, pesticides and artificial fertilizers, or do you mean that half of them will have been grown in Africa and flown to the auction houses in the Netherlands?

bonnie groves poppe said...

well, all of the above, but mainly the poor things flying around and being trucked around.

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