
Monday 28 March 2022

Roundabout Ornaments.

We wrote back in January about the new bridge across the river Cher at Civray de Touraine. On a recent trip to Chenonceau we noticed that part of the old bridge has been mounted as a roundabout (traffic circle) ornament at the end of the rocade (bypass) around Bleré.

French roundabouts often contain interesting landscaping celebrating the history or industry of the local area, but this is the first time - in my memory - we have seen a bridge as decoration.


Colin and Elizabeth said...

We don't remember ever seeing a bridge either... Bit lacking in flowers though.

chm said...

Was it made by M. Eiffel?

Susan said...

Colin and Elizabeth: yeah, this one has always been a flower free zone.

chm: nothing so stylish. It's a post-War modular construction known as a pont Pigeaud.

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