
Sunday 27 February 2022

A Dwarf Gentian

A dwarf gentian Gentianella sp, Hautes Pyrenees, France. Photo by Loire Valley Time Travel.

Somewhat to my surprise, when we were in the Pyrenees in July 2021, we only saw one gentian plant. It was this one in the photo, a dwarf gentian Gentianella sp. This is in contrast to the dozens of gentian species and hundreds of gentian plants we saw in Switzerland in July 2018.

I think this one must be Field Gentian Gentianella campestris (Fr. Gentiane des champs).


chm said...

IIRC, I saw yellow and blue gentians in the mountains in the Cantal département.

Susan said...

chm: yes I imagine your memory is correct.

chm said...

That was almost eighty years ago, when I was in the maquis and the FFI.

Susan said...

chm: Let's hope that there are some young Ukrainians out there who will remember the wild flowers they saw in 2022 in 80 years.

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